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ago, the Unicorn Group has developed a unique execution, scaling and accessibility to patent ca-
approach to entrepreneurship in Africa, tailored pital. Access to accelerators and incubators part-
to meet the specific needs of Africans entrepre- nership are also key features on offer.
neurs, in turn, giving them extensive business The uniqueness of the Unicorn Group’s curricu-
acumen to compete in global markets. In a bid to lum is partially based on its unique ecosystem
educate as many aspiring business owners in the approach, which takes into consideration all
African continent, the Unicorn Group has ope- aspects of solid business knowledge, including
ned campuses as far afield as Lagos, Nairobi, Jo- pitfalls to look for and when to grow their busi-
hannesburg and Accra, with the Moroccan cam- nesses, information that makes for good end re-
pus set to open next year. Other locations in the sults. The targeted programs with their respective
pipeline include Egypt, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Gha- resources in training, financial assistance, access
na, Ethiopia and Tanzania. The ultimate goal is to to successful entrepreneurs allow startups to
impact one million entrepreneurs over the next grow and thrive.
10 years and empower 10 thousand entrepre- Experienced advisers provide governance and
neurs during that period. This major Unicorn strategic direction to ensure entrepreneurs gain
Tech Campus named after Dr. Wura Abila stated the best, real-world knowledge. Partners were ca-
that tech campus is the first of its kind in Africa refully chosen, locally and internationally, to as-
because it supports entrepreneurs from the idea sist members. Resident operating partners com-
stage to the realization of their project. The state- posed of successful startups founders, consul-
of-the-art campus is a dream come true for Dr. tants and investors, all of whom are best in class
Akintoye Akindele, Chairman and CEO of the within their respective industries. Unicorn’s
Unicorn Group, who conceived the idea of an Value Add (UVA) is an eLearning platform and a
African-based business establishment three very important facet of the program, which al-
years ago. Alongside, T. Sylva, Akindele tapped lows access to world-class, online libraries, cour-
the brain trust of Unicorn’s auspicious group of ses, mentoring and coaching. This Web-based
board members and other key industry players to portal is led by a network of mentors and subject
make the dream of this business-centric institu- matter experts to coach startup business owners.
tion a reality. The curriculum of Unicorn Tech Benefits include market access to global financial
takes a multi-level approach to occupation, men- institutions, business and investor partner net-
toring and the funding of tech businesses. Men- works, direct access to business services.
tors will accompany entrepreneurs from the em- Valuable initiatives like the Unicorn Tech pro-
bryonic stage of their ideas to the funding of gram must be developed and multiply throug-
their businesses. hout the continent if African industry wants to
A soup-to-nuts approach with each floor of the become developed, innovative and competitive on
campus representing a stage in the process. To a global scale.
accommodate all future captains of industry, the The aim is to attract talent to work alongside fou-
facility is open 24 hours a day, which gives a wel- nders, resulting in development and execution of
comed flexibility to entrepreneurs who can at- their visions. One of the much sought-after bene-
tend at night but are interested in participating fits of UVA is access to capital, which can prove
in Unicorn’s program. elusive to many new business owners. At the June
In the world of business, an important percen- event, all the speakers who attended the opening,
tage of startups are doomed to fail, however, the were unanimous in agreeing that, based on their
Unicorn Group aims to buck that trend with this extensive knowledge, Africa should find conti-
program. The purpose of these campuses is to nental solutions to its problems and open up to
provide the correct infrastructure, membership the world.
Africa 31