Page 34 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 34

Discovered Oil & Gas in Senegal! An opportunity paired with some

             serious challenges

                                                                                        Aerial view over Dakar, Senegal

             As more and more countries discover oil and gas, the number of potential producers in Africa is gro-
             wing. Senegal is among those lucky ones that will start producing oil and gas in a couple of years and is
             seriously preparing. Its potential is enormous with onshore and offshore discoveries. In the Northern
             part, Mauritania and Senegal will jointly exploit an important oil reserve. The leaders of both countries
             have acted maturely to preserve peace and keep the new oil resources from creating discord which
             would cause a “malediction”. In addition, the Senegalese government utilized its human resources and
             acted  wisely  by  hiring  a  few  Senegalese  heavyweights  who  have  extensive  experience  working  for
             multinational oil firms to promote the industry.
             Senegal also opens itself up to  zing  in  each  phase,  such  as  dent Macky Sall. On this occa-
             the  world  to  benefit  from  the  exploration,  exploitation,  and  sion,  a  bill  regarding  the  dis-
             experience of other countries.   distribution.  PETROSEN  ,  for   tribution  and  supervision  of
             A  few  months  ago,  an  impor-  example,  was  divided  into     revenues from the exploitation
             tant delegation headed by the    downstream  and  upstream         of hydrocarbons was validated.
             Minister of Oil and Energy, So-  units with a management enti-     This was presented by the Mi-
             phie Gladima, went to Nigeria    ty  on  top.  SAR,  on  the  other  nister  of  Finance  and  Budget,
             and  met  with  the  Minister  of  end, is still performing its tra-  Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo. The
             Petroleum  Resources  Chief      ditional  activities  with  a  refi-  bill included 23 ar-ticles in fi-
             Timipre Sylva and his team to    nery even though the country      ve  chapters.  It  cente-red  on
             exchange  on  the  challenges    has the ambition to build ano-    four  major  principles:  the
             ahead      and      establish    ther one.                         prohibition of the early trans-
             partnerships.  The  country  is  The Senegalese authorities ha-    fer  of  hydrocarbon  resources,
             also  organizing  an  energy     ve  a  clear  vision  of  how  they  the budgeting of revenues de-
             “SUMMIT”  in  a  near  future    plan to develop the sector and    rived  from  hydrocarbon  exp-
             and is expecting record atten-   realize  that  gas  is  the  future  loitation,  the  establishment  of
             dance.                           and  luckily,  the  country  has  an intergenerational fund, and
             Local content is of paramount    more gas than oil. Diamnadio      the  creation  of  a  stabilization
             importance  and  domestic  bu-   International Conference Cen-     fund.  The  700  billion  CFA  in
             sinesses intend to play a signi-  ter  hosted  the  Presidential   annual  revenues  expected  by
             ficant role. They also reorgani-  Council on December 21, 2021,    the State will be fully budgeted
             zed the industry by speciali-    which was chaired by Presi-       and allocated as follow: 90% of

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