Page 36 - Nigeria one mag en-21
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the revenues will go to the Ge-
neral Budget and 10% to the The economic potential of Mauritania
Intergenerational Fund. Gene-
ral Budget funds will be used
to cover investment expenditu-
res exclusively for the benefit
of all Senegalese populations,
current, and future genera-
tions. Additionally, these reve-
nues will be used to invest in
key areas such as education,
infrastructure, health, and ag-
riculture. The Intergeneratio-
nal Fund is intended to be a
source of savings for future
generations. Our leaders have
Mauritania map
to ensure that contracts are
awarded transparently and In 2020, the deterioration of the global economy caused by the Co-
that communication is acces- vid -19 pandemic has left Mauritania in a vulnerable position. Its
sible to all to manage the GDP has decreased from 5.9% in 2019 to 3.6% in 2020. Multiple fac-
HOPE of the Senegalese tors contributed to the economic slowdown, including a decline in
people. Meanwhile, there are export revenues, a significant reduction in tax revenues, and an
numerous debates in the increase in health expenditures to cope with the global pandemic.
media about improving Foreign trade and direct investment have been heavily impacted.
legislation for the O/G sector. Mauritania is preparing an ambitious financial development plan
Leaders should not overlook to resolve its macroeconomic challenges. A post-pandemic revival
this issue. Nigeria is a perfect of the global economy will lead to a surge in demand of iron, which
example, as the Minister of is Mauritania’s main growth engine. Despite their heavy reliance on
Petroleum Resources recently mining and agriculture, the Mauritanians want to become a gas po-
said: “ Nigeria lost an estima- werhouse. The country has teamed up with Senegal, BP, and Kos-
ted $235 bn worth of invest- mos Energy to create an ambitious gas field project.
ments in the oil and gas sector However, Mauritania must overcome some serious challenges to ac-
for delaying the passage of the hieve its ambitious economic goal: lack of investor attraction, lack
Petroleum Industry Bill by of financing mechanisms to support small and medium-sized en-
about two decades”. The funds terprises (SME), a growing concern of local stakeholders about the
will be invested for long-term impact of oil exploitation on fisheries.
projects. Ousmane Mamadou Kane, Mauritanian Minister of Economic Af-
The stabilization fund portion fairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors is enthusiastic about the
will be defined later. All these project. In his view, the gas exploitation will mean significant funds
proactive actions illustrate that for the Treasury and Central Bank, providing the country with basic
the Senegalese leaders are well needs such as education, road infrastructure, water, sanitation, and
aware of what lies ahead, and energy. With a budget of $4,8 bn, the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA)
they want to play a significant project is anticipated to generate 2.5 million tons of liquefied natu-
role in exploiting their resour- ral gas per year and 70 million cubic feet of natural gas daily in its
ces. first phase. It’s expected to start production in 2023.
Africa 36