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Dakar, Senegal, and is responsible for the under-  exploration  permits  (Cheval  Marin  Permit  and
             taking of geological and geophysical studies, dril-  Southern  Cross  Permit)  were  awarded  in  the
             ling  work,  and  activities  related  to  exploration,  deep zones respectively to the company AGIP- a
             and petroleum resources. Equally important, the   subsidiary of the multinational petroleum com-
             AGC  is  responsible  to  help  the  marketing  and  pany Eni- and fusion Oil & Gas NL, at the begin-
             promotion of all oil and gas activities in Guinea  ning of 2001.
             Bissau. Finally, the AGC also takes an active role  These  two  companies  subsequently  carried  out
             in ensuring that the exploitation of these natural  important  work  of  2D  and  3D  seismic  surveys,
             resources is done in a sustainable manner that    magnetic,  gravimetric,  geochemical  studies,  in
             ensures the control and protection of the marine  their respective permits. The AGC currently has
             environment where these offshore blocks are lo-   partnerships with several oil and gas companies
             cated. In addition to its important role in develo-  including  Petroguin  E&P,  Oryx  Petroleum,
             ping regional cooperation in the oil and gas sec-  CNOOC/NEXEN,  Tender  Oil  &Gas  SARL  best
             tor, the AGC also plays a role in two other highly  petroleum among others. A future bidding round
             strategic  sectors  for  both  countries,  which  are  could attract even more players to the offshore
             mining and fisheries. Guinea- Bissau is undoub-   blocks managed by the AGC. Today, following the
             tedly one of Africa’s richest countries when it co-  various large-scale discoveries that took place in
             mes  to  natural  resource  endowment.  There  are  the offshore waters of Senegal (SNE, SAGOMAR)
             significant deposits of bauxite and phosphates in  and  the  border  with  Mauritania  (GTA)  FROM
             the country.                                      2014  -  2017,  there  has  been  renewed  interest
             Petroleum Operations in the AGC zone began in     throughout the region in developing the hydro-
             1958 with the Compagnie des Petroles Total Afri-  carbon  potential  of  the  MSGBC  Basin,  which  is
             que  de  l’  Ouest  (COPETAO)  in  Senegal  and  the  still  largely  Underexplored.  The  offshore  blocks
             EXXON  company  in  Guinea-  Bissau.  Initially,  that the AGC is in charge of managing and pro-
             Petroleum  Operations  focused  on  salt  domes   moting for future bidding rounds currently have
             (Dome  Flore  and  Dome  Gea)  characterized  by  many  medium-sized  E&P  companies  analyzing
             structural traps. These operations led to the dis-  the seismic data obtained and prospecting for oil
             covery of heavy oil deposits on the Dome Flore in  and gas. But both Guinea-Bissau and its partners
             1967  and  on  the  Dome  Gea  in  1971.  In  1991,  in Senegal are interested in attracting new inves-
             Casamance  Petroleum  Ltd  obtained  the  hydro-  tors, and potentially partnering with IOC’s to help
             carbon  exploration  permit  known  as  the  Dome  potentially  finance,  a  more  aggressive  explora-
             Flore Permit and acquired a set of 3D seismic da-  tion  and  drilling  campaign.  In  response  to  the
             ta (300km), on the Dome Flore and the Dome Gea    growing demand for renewable power, and inc-
             in 1971. This permit expired in 1994 and the area  reasing interest by international stakeholders to
             was subsequently reassigned to the pectin com-    invest,  develop,  and  succeed  in  Africa,  Energy
             pany,  which  drilled  a  shallow  exploration  well  Capital & power will hold the MSGBC Oil, Gas &
             called “Baobab-1” on the eastern flank of Dome    power  2021  conference  and  exhibition  2-3  De-
             Gea in 1996.                                      cember 2021. It will focus on enhancing regional
             This  drilling  encountered  evidence  of  oil  from  partnerships,  spurring  investment  and  develop-
             1997 to 1999, the AGC undertook seismic studies   ment in the oil, gas, and power sectors. The con-
             followed by a vast campaign to promote the blo-   ference  will  unite  regional  international  stake-
             cks of the deep offshore of the common zone in    holders with African opportunities, serving as a
             which  the  AGC  facilitates  cooperation  between  growth-oriented  platform  for  Africa’s  energy
             Senegal  and  Guinea  Bissau.  Following  this  pro-  sector.
             motion campaign, two hydrocarbon exploration

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