Page 43 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 43

The European Oil Supply Equation

                                                                    Gas pipeline with Russian and European flags, illustrative image

             Although the Russian-Ukrainian   According to the Center for Pro-   met by OPEP. In April 2022, the
             crisis has yet to reveal all of its  spective Studies and Internatio-  alliance  remained  at  400,000
             facets, the response of the West,  nal Information (CEPII), 30% of  barrels per day already set sin-
             which  is  being  formalized,  will  European  imports  come  from  ce August 2021. It even revised
             lead to a boycott of Russian oil  Russia,  and  this  crude  oil  is  its growth figures downwards in
             among  many  other  sanctions,   considered  to  be  of  good  qua-  May  2022,  from  approximately
             and  several  important  ques-   lity.  If  Europeans  find  other  3.36  million  barrels  per  day  to
             tions need to be answered quic-  sources of supply they will also  less  than  310,000  barrels  per
             kly.                             have  to  ensure  that  the  quality  day following the war in Ukrai-
             Russian  oil  production  in  2021  remains  the  same,  otherwise,  ne.
             was  11.57  million  barrels  per  this  will  generate  additional
             day, equivalent to about 12% of  costs  for  refineries  to  comply
             total  production,  and  provided  with  anti-pollution  standards.
             four million barrels per day to  Russia  gave  a  strong  signal  to
             Europe, according to the Inter-  other  oil  producers  by  selling
             national Energy Agency (IEA).    the price of black gold to India
             How  feasible  or  even  realistic  in March ($25/barrel). Any inc-
             are the sanctions that gradually  rease  in  production  will  inevi-
             take effect on the old continent?  tably  lead  to  a  decrease  in  the
             Hard to answer because uncon-    price of a barrel of Russian oil.
             trollable factors are to be taken  The  request  for  oil  production
             into account.                    increase by the West was not
                                                                                         Gas pipeline, illustrative image

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