Page 48 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 48

The  EITI  standard,  the  Extractive  Industries  Transparency


                                                                                          Oslo, Norvège, siège of l'ITIE

             Established  in  2003,  the  Extractive  Industries  While  the  EITI  standard  systematically  addresses
             Transparency  Initiative  (EITI)  is  now  a  significant  the three components of stakeholder engagement,
             indicator  of  quality  governance  in  the  extractive  transparency and impact, some countries stand out
             industries.  More  than  50  countries  have  adopted  for their innovative policies that reflect a commit-
             and implemented the standard.                     ment  to  improvement.  In  terms  of  transparency,
                                                               Senegal has made significant progress by making
             Countries are rated on their ability to make prog-  accessible  to  citizens  information  on  mining,  oil
             ress to meet the requirements of the EITI Standard  and  gas  registries  via  platforms.  This  significant
             through Validation. Validation is the EITI's quality  progress allows Senegal to obtain a rating of Very
             assurance mechanism and is based on two funda-    High according to the IITEE standard, making this
             mental assumptions. First, it recognizes that each  country  an  African  model.  For  the  period  2022,
             country's initial situation is unique. Therefore the  Nigeria,  the  giant  of  the  continent  also  obtains  a
             issues and challenges in implementing the EITI are  very  honorable  rating  of  High.  The  EITI,  through
             different. Validation is also based on the recogni-  several  recommendations  in  its  reports,  has  sup-
             tion of the EITI as a tool for improving governance  ported and maintained a national debate that cont-
             in the extractive sector. This validation process is  ributed  to  the  enactment  of  the  landmark  oil  in-
             therefore relatively equitable and fair.          dustry law in 2021.

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