Page 47 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 47

Algeria benefits from the Russo-Ukrainian crisis

                                                                           Groupement Reggane Nord, Algérie  © CC BY-SA 4.0

             The Algerian soil is rich in natural resources, with  The possibility of a decrease or even a total shut-
             an estimated 2400 billion cubic meters of gas. The  down  of  Russian  natural  gas  supplies  to  Europe
             country is the seventh-largest exporter in the world  immediately   attracted   Algeria’s   attention.
             and  the  first  on  the  continent,  with  a  number  of  Additionally, the country has pledged to boost de-
             particularly  encouraging  discoveries  being  made  liveries to France via the Transmed pipeline, which
             regularly, suggesting that the economy will soon be  is presently underutilized.
             booming. We can also expect bright prospects for  The pipeline, built-in 1978 and put into operation
             the  African  continent  in  light  of  the  Russo-  in 1983, is the largest one in Africa. It extends over
             Ukrainian crisis and its economic consequences.   2,475 km and has a capacity of 110 million cubic
             Indeed, if Russia used to supply 47% of European  meters  per  day,  although  it  currently  transports
             gas  before  the  crisis,  the  restrictions  recently  only 60 million cubic meters. The new agreements
             imposed  by  Europe  will  necessarily  force  the  old  provide an additional 9 billion cubic meters of gas
             continent to turn to new suppliers. Algeria, which  per year to be delivered via the Transmed by 2023-
             until now has supplied just 11% of European gas, is  2024.
             likely to acquire new market positions.           In this sense, improving the Algiers-Rome axis will
             Moreover,  it  is  in  anticipation  of  this  increase  in  be of fundamental importance in allowing Algeria
             future demand that a historic agreement between   to meet a possible rise in European demand by en-
             Sonatrach  (Algerian  Company)  and  Eni  (Italian  hancing its export capacity.
             Company) has been signed. It is the first step for  If  the  Transmed  represents  a  formidable  tool  for
             Italy  to  address  the  energy  consequences  of  the  transporting Algerian gas to Europe via Tunis, Al-
             conflict between Ukraine and Russia which covers  giers is however not able to fully offset the decline
             more  than  40%  of  Italy’s  gas  needs.  The  partner-  in Russian gas supply. As Abdelmajid Attar, former
             ship is also a way for the companies to establish a  Algerian Minister of Energy said: “At most, Algeria
             gas price to be used for sales in 2022-2023, based  could provide the European Union with 2 or 3 bil-
             on market conditions.                             lion m3 more.” Other European countries are expe-
                                                               cted to rely on Africa to meet rising gas demand.

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