Page 50 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 50

This is partly due to gas companies underestimating the speed with which demand would rebound from
             pandemic lows. As gas prices rise, experts predict that they will remain high. “This supply/demand dynamic,
             combined with volatile crude prices, will likely continue to keep upward pressure on pump prices”, AAA said
             in a statement.
             The public protest over this expensive commodity prompted a response from the US government. In late
             March 2022, when the Russia/Ukraine conflict disrupted oil supply, President Biden announced a record-
             setting release of 180 million barrels from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The initiative, however, was
             just a temporary fix to a continuing oil crisis. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the president is
             focused  on  bringing  down  the  sky-high  gasoline  prices,  although  she  acknowledged  that  even  the  most
             powerful person in the world does not have unlimited influence. During her interview on CNN on May 24,
             2022, she stated “He is obsessed with the fact that gas prices are so high and people are hurting.” According
             to her, Biden has already used the " biggest tool" at his disposal in addressing the energy crisis by unleashing
             unprecedented amounts of oil to ease strains due to the war in Ukraine. The fact that Biden has taken an
             aggressive stance on climate change since the election should not be overlooked. Biden jumped right into
             addressing the climate crisis after being elected.

                                                               Now that the world is facing an energy crisis, Biden
                                                               administration  officials  are  openly  pleading  with
                                                               Big Oil to pump more, not less, and urging OPEC to
                                                               boost supply. "Biden  is  responding  to  the  current
                                                               situation," the Energy Secretary said when asked if
                                                               this  is  an  awkward  juxtaposition.  She  stated  “The
                                                               fact that we are paying these outrageous prices is
                                                               almost  an  exclamation  point  on  the  fact  that  we
                                                               need to move to clean energy so we are not in this
                                                               position in the future.”
                                                               The energy crisis has become a political issue, with
                                                               some legislators proposing a temporary ban on US
                                                               oil exports. Many industry experts, however, fear a
                                                               ban on US crude exports will only result in higher
                                                               pump  prices,  which  are  based  on  the  price  of
                                                               In  addition  to  the  federal  government's  active
                                                               efforts to alleviate consumer burdens and deal with
                                                               the  energy  crisis,  some  states  are  also  taking
                                                               measures.  To  help  consumers,  Connecticut,
                                                               Maryland,  and  Georgia  have  suspended  state  gas
                                                               taxes.  At  least  20  other  states  are  considering
                                                               similar steps.
                                                               Interestingly, this increase in oil prices is in favor
                                                               of the big oil companies. When oil prices crashed
                                                               in 2020, the industry lost a lot of money. Now it has
                                                               become  a  cash  cow  and  is  returning  billions  to
                                                               investors through dividends and share buybacks.

                                          Oil well, illustrative image

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