Page 63 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 63

Massive Green Hydrogen Hubs being created under the BP’s 36

                                                                                          Hydrogen, illustrative image

             Bp is planning major clean fuel  renewable     electricity,   is   that  demand  for  low-carbon
             operations  in  locations  like  predicted to play a major role in  hydrogen  could  reach  600
             Australia,  Texas,The  North  Sea,  the  decarbonization  of  heavy  million tons per year by 2050, up
             Kazakhstan and Oman.             industry, such as steelmaking.    from less than one million tons
             Following  its  acquisition  of  a  Hence, global output could jump  today.
             stake  and  lead  role  in  a  $36  up to 11.6 million tons a year by  The  successful  centers  will  be
             billion   green     hydrogen     2030 if, of course, strong policies  those that are able to find buyers
             development    in    Western     are implemented.                  for   their   hydrogen,   while
             Australia, BP is confirming to the  It  is  important  to  note  that  BP  governments  also  have  an
             World  its  ambitions  to  deliver  will  take  a  40.5%  share  in  the  important  role  to  play  in
             massive  amounts  of  the  clean  Asian Renewable Hub.             providing  policy  incentives  that
             fuel.                            Other  massive  develo  bypments  encourage the switch from fossil
             With a positive forecast to grow  are being considered everywhere  fuels.  Hubs  with  one  or  more
             rapidly  in  the  coming  years,  from  Texas  to  Kazakhstan  to  large  guaranteed  buyers  are
             green   hydrogen,   which   is   Oman, attracted by the abundant   much more likely to succeed.
             produced with water and          clean energy. Forecasts show

             Energetic transition                                                                         63
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